My Two Cents

My Two Cents
by Kottyn

Pertaining to communicating with a man… 

Ladies, contrary to what you may think, some men like to talk. Some men like to express themselves. As women, we have to listen with both ears, our hearts, and (many times) a closed mouth. We need to keep in mind that some men were not raised to express how they feel. They were trained to suppress their emotions. It takes a special kind of a woman to get a man to open up and not suppress how he feels. Once he does, be a good listener! Don't cut him off. Don’t condemn or interrupt him.

Ladies, consider both contributors of communication. If you believe your man isn’t listening to you, try a different approach. For me, prayer is extremely helpful, especially if I'm upset about a particular topic. Before I engage, I pray. Also, consider taking some time to evaluate what’s been said, maybe a day or two, to develop a thoughtful, loving approach is also a huge help. Whatever you say, be sure to respond it out of genuine love. Engage in a respectful manner. And, at all costs, avoid engaging in communication that can be perceived as attacking or hurtful. Work hard to stay away from tones that are belittling in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I have found that any time I seek the LORD is a good time. But, I’ve also discovered that there are so many more benefits to seeking God’s help as a preventative measure rather from a reactionary mindset. Purpose to put first things first!

KOTTYN, Softly Spoken is a model, poet, spoken word artist, author, radio and television show host that has years of experience performing at Open Mic Nights and has multiple books to her credit.  Her smooth, sensual, purposeful delivery sets her head, shoulders, and vocally apart from all others of her craft.  Jubilee News-A WHEN MEN SPEAK Publication is extremely thankful to host such an immense talent as KOTTYN and we welcome her back to another Edition.

1 comment:

  1. Very very good read Kottyn. I really hope the women understand what you are saying here because it is very true and can help in a successful relationship. Communication is key buy effective communication is imperative.
